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    峰丛洼地Peak cluster depression

    视频数: 0 个视频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31



    峰丛洼地是有连座的正向石峰和其间的封闭洼地所组成的地貌景观。东兰地区的峰丛洼地景观广泛分布于武篆、兰木和泗孟,以泗孟田园峰丛洼地最为典型。洼地近圆形,底部平坦,并覆盖有溶蚀残余物,沿着溶蚀残余物形成数级梯田。落日下,峰丛与梯田交相辉映,宛若一幅精致的画卷,让人流连忘返。 Peak cluster depression is a geomorphologic landscape composed by connected stone peaks and the enclosed depression in between. Most peak cluster depression landscape of Donglan region widely distributed in Wuzhuan, Lanmu and Simeng, among which Simeng is most typical. The depression is nearly round, with flat bottom and covered with corrosion residues. There formed several levels of terraces along the corrosion residues. Under the sunset, the peak clusters and terraces alternates with each other, like a delicate painting, which is really fascinating.

  • 峰丛洼地Peak cluster depression-----


    峰丛洼地是有连座的正向石峰和其间的封闭洼地所组成的地貌景观。东兰地区的峰丛洼地景观广泛分布于武篆、兰木和泗孟,以泗孟田园峰丛洼地最为典型。洼地近圆形,底部平坦,并覆盖有溶蚀残余物,沿着溶蚀残余物形成数级梯田。落日下,峰丛与梯田交相辉映,宛若一幅精致的画卷,让人流连忘返。 Peak cluster depression is a geomorphologic landscape composed by connected stone peaks and the enclosed depression in between. Most peak cluster depression landscape of Donglan region widely distributed in Wuzhuan, Lanmu and Simeng, among which Simeng is most typical. The depression is nearly round, with flat bottom and covered with corrosion residues. There formed several levels of terraces along the corrosion residues. Under the sunset, the peak clusters and terraces alternates with each other, like a delicate painting, which is really fascinating.

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    峰丛洼地Peak cluster depression

    视频数:0 个音频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31


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