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    视频数: 0 个视频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31



    九华街景区是九华山地质公园游客集散地。在九华街景区周边有天台、闵园两大景区。 Jiuhua Street Scenic Area is the tourist center of the Jiuhuashan Geopark. And other two scenic spots can be also visited here, namely, Tiantai Scenic Area and Minyuan Scenic Area. (1)天台景区 Tiantai Scenic Area 天台景区面积约8km2,是九华山地质公园海拔最高的游览区。景区内十王峰为九华山海拔最高的山峰(1344.4m),天台寺是九华山海拔最高的寺庙(1248m)。天台象形石群(观音石、大鹏听经石、金龟朝北斗、蜡烛峰等)、天台寺庙群(吊桥寺、观音寺、古拜经台、地藏禅林等)和天台摩崖石刻群,构成九华山地质地貌景观与人文景观融合的核心展示区。 Tiantai Scenic Area is the highest tourism area with an area of 8 km2 in Jiuhuashan Geopark. In this scenic area, Shiwang Peak is highest mountain with an altitude of 1344.4 m in Jiuhuashan, and the highest temple is Tiantai Temple with an altitude of 1248 m. The core exhibition area of the integration of geology, geomorphology and culture in Jiuhuashan is composed of three parts, namely, grotesquely-shaped rock group (Kwan-yin Stone, Roc hearing sutras Stone, Golden turtle facing the North Star, Candle Peak, etc.), temple group (Diaoqiao Temple, Kwan-yin Temple, Ancient Baijingtai, Dizang Temple, etc.) and cliff carving group. (2)闵园景区 Minyuan Scenic Area 闵园景区面积约6km2。这是一个融自然景观与人文景观为一体的综合型游览区。山庄田园秀美,环境清幽,四季凉爽,空气新鲜,是疗养、度假和读书著作的佳境。景点有龙溪、怪石、竹海、凤凰古松、华严洞和20余座民居式尼庵。 Minyuan Scenic Area with an area of 6 km2 is a comprehensive tourist district where integrates natural landscapes with cultural landscapes. The idyllic scenery can be enjoyed: a fresh and beautiful countryside picture of villages, farming lands, hills, plant vegetation, quiet environment, cool four seasons, and fresh air. It is a good place for health, holiday and reading books. The attractions are Dragon Stream, peculiar stones, sea of bamboos, old phoenix pine, Huayan Cave and over 20 residential-styled nunneries.

  • 九华街周边还有哪些景区?-----


    九华街景区是九华山地质公园游客集散地。在九华街景区周边有天台、闵园两大景区。 Jiuhua Street Scenic Area is the tourist center of the Jiuhuashan Geopark. And other two scenic spots can be also visited here, namely, Tiantai Scenic Area and Minyuan Scenic Area. (1)天台景区 Tiantai Scenic Area 天台景区面积约8km2,是九华山地质公园海拔最高的游览区。景区内十王峰为九华山海拔最高的山峰(1344.4m),天台寺是九华山海拔最高的寺庙(1248m)。天台象形石群(观音石、大鹏听经石、金龟朝北斗、蜡烛峰等)、天台寺庙群(吊桥寺、观音寺、古拜经台、地藏禅林等)和天台摩崖石刻群,构成九华山地质地貌景观与人文景观融合的核心展示区。 Tiantai Scenic Area is the highest tourism area with an area of 8 km2 in Jiuhuashan Geopark. In this scenic area, Shiwang Peak is highest mountain with an altitude of 1344.4 m in Jiuhuashan, and the highest temple is Tiantai Temple with an altitude of 1248 m. The core exhibition area of the integration of geology, geomorphology and culture in Jiuhuashan is composed of three parts, namely, grotesquely-shaped rock group (Kwan-yin Stone, Roc hearing sutras Stone, Golden turtle facing the North Star, Candle Peak, etc.), temple group (Diaoqiao Temple, Kwan-yin Temple, Ancient Baijingtai, Dizang Temple, etc.) and cliff carving group. (2)闵园景区 Minyuan Scenic Area 闵园景区面积约6km2。这是一个融自然景观与人文景观为一体的综合型游览区。山庄田园秀美,环境清幽,四季凉爽,空气新鲜,是疗养、度假和读书著作的佳境。景点有龙溪、怪石、竹海、凤凰古松、华严洞和20余座民居式尼庵。 Minyuan Scenic Area with an area of 6 km2 is a comprehensive tourist district where integrates natural landscapes with cultural landscapes. The idyllic scenery can be enjoyed: a fresh and beautiful countryside picture of villages, farming lands, hills, plant vegetation, quiet environment, cool four seasons, and fresh air. It is a good place for health, holiday and reading books. The attractions are Dragon Stream, peculiar stones, sea of bamboos, old phoenix pine, Huayan Cave and over 20 residential-styled nunneries.

    HOT 播放1079次


    视频数:0 个音频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31


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