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  • HOT 播放 0 次


    视频数: 0 个视频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31



    九华山是观赏和拍摄山地云海景观的最佳地点。云海作为特色气象景观是一定条件下形成的低于山顶高度的飘逸云层被人从高处俯首观赏,漫无边际的云层置于绿色山峰群岭之中,宛如临于大海之滨的人眺望蓝色海洋,故称“云海”。九华山云海主要发生在雨雪新霁之后,云海与奇松怪石交辉相映,蔚为壮观。 The Best Photography Spot for Cloud Sea Jiuhuashan is the best place to enjoy and take photos of mountainous Cloud Sea landscape, a floating cloud layer forming under certain conditions as a special meteorological landscape below the mountain summit. When people on high spot overlooks, the boundless cloud layer is floating into green peaks and ridges, seeming that a person standing by coast view blue ocean, and it is why it is called Cloud Sea. Jiuhuashan Cloud Sea mainly happens in the sunny day right after sleet. Cloud Sea,bizarre pines and grotesque rocks enhance each other's beauty, rather spectacular and magnificent.

  • 云海最佳拍摄点-----


    九华山是观赏和拍摄山地云海景观的最佳地点。云海作为特色气象景观是一定条件下形成的低于山顶高度的飘逸云层被人从高处俯首观赏,漫无边际的云层置于绿色山峰群岭之中,宛如临于大海之滨的人眺望蓝色海洋,故称“云海”。九华山云海主要发生在雨雪新霁之后,云海与奇松怪石交辉相映,蔚为壮观。 The Best Photography Spot for Cloud Sea Jiuhuashan is the best place to enjoy and take photos of mountainous Cloud Sea landscape, a floating cloud layer forming under certain conditions as a special meteorological landscape below the mountain summit. When people on high spot overlooks, the boundless cloud layer is floating into green peaks and ridges, seeming that a person standing by coast view blue ocean, and it is why it is called Cloud Sea. Jiuhuashan Cloud Sea mainly happens in the sunny day right after sleet. Cloud Sea,bizarre pines and grotesque rocks enhance each other's beauty, rather spectacular and magnificent.

    HOT 播放1223次


    视频数:0 个音频类别:[地质遗迹]更新时间:2016.12.31


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